WOW! Day 3 was so filled with engagement! I think the students had the best time with the different activities and working together on their T-shirt designs. Day three for me has been the best day so far and now I realize that we only have one more full day left. I enjoyed engaging the students in different conversations about what is happening nationally and connecting it to all of the issues we have talked about thus far. I can tell the students are enjoying themselves and care about the topic.
What went well:
-giving them a chance to compete against one another during the "Change the Narrative" game was really fun! Once they got a handle on the idea of the activity, they got really into it. Above are some of the quotes from real news articles that they were asked to change above.
-The T-shirt designs are really coming together and the students are thinking deeply about how to represent themselves and their cultures in positive ways.
What to improve:
-Keeping everyone on tract with the timing of different activities was difficult today. They were super invested in their shirts and were often working on them during other parts of the class day. A solution to this for tomorrow would be to complete everything we want to discuss first before handing out anything for them to work on at their desk.